It’s easy to take your building’s roof for granted. Most of us assume that the roofs over our heads are solid, sturdy, and safe. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. In fact, roofs are highly vulnerable to damage. If you think about it, of course, this makes sense: Unlike other parts of your building, roofs are constantly exposed to the outdoors. As a result, they have no protection against rain, hail, sunlight, and other damaging factors. Thus, it’s important to put some thought into how you can protect your roof from potential damage. White roof coatings are one of the most effective ways to do this.
A white roof coating is a reflective coating that serves to provide your roof with greater protection from the elements. It is elastomeric, so it can stretch to meet the exact dimensions of your roof and provide a more effective shield. There are many advantages to using a white roof coating, which is why they have become so popular. Here are some of the reasons you may want to invest in a white roof coating.
White roof coatings will protect your roof from the sun’s UV rays.
Sunlight may feel warm on your skin, but there’s a reason we wear sunscreen when we are going to be out in the sun for a long time. The reason is the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. This radiation causes your roofing materials to gradually erode over time. Eventually, it can undermine the stability of your entire roof. If you don’t protect your roof from sun exposure, it’s much more likely that you will eventually need to replace it. White roof coatings provide strong protection from UV radiation, thus helping to preserve your roof for as long as possible.
White roof coatings will protect your roof from water damage.
Water damage is one of the most serious potential threats to the stability of your roof. From rain to dew, water can easily seep into your roof and weaken its materials. Water can also lead to mold, mildew, and rot. One of the most important functions of a roof coating is to provide a buffer against water infiltration. Some coatings will shield your roof against ponding water. However, any leaks in your roof should be identified and sealed before your new roof coating is applied.
White roof coatings will help you control your building’s inside temperature.
When sunlight hits the surface of your roof, the heat it carries is absorbed into your building. This causes your building to warm up, which means you’ll need to use your thermostat to adjust the temperature. In other words, your roof is actually making it more difficult for you to keep your building comfortable! A white roof coating can change all this by reflecting most of the sun’s heat away from your roof. Thus, you won’t have to spend as much money every month using your air conditioning. Not only does this mean lower utility bills, but it will also result in less wear on your AC.
White roof coatings will make your building more green-friendly.
By helping you rein in your air conditioning use, a white roof coating will help you reduce the amount of energy you need to expend to keep your building cool. As a result, they’ll help to make your building more environmentally friendly. If you are concerned about the impact your home or business is having on the planet, then this can be a terrific way to reduce it. By making your building more energy-efficient, adding a roof coating can even help to enhance its value. If you run a business from your building, then making it more eco-friendly can help you with your brand.
White roof coatings may qualify for rebates.
In some parts of the country, investing in a white roof coating can qualify you for any number of incentives. Since white roof coatings are environmentally friendly, using them can help to reduce your building’s carbon footprint. Thus, it should come as no surprise that there are a number of incentives available for investing in eco-friendly roof coatings. These incentives may range from tax credits to utility rebates. Be sure to look up which incentives are available in your area before you buy a roof coating.
White roof coatings can extend the life of your roof.
Nobody wants to have to replace their roof any more often than strictly necessary. That’s one of the reasons why a high-quality coating can be such a smart investment. A white roof coating can help to extend the lifespan of your roof, indefinitely postponing the time when you need to replace it. For many homeowners and business owners, this is well worth the initial cost of purchase. After all, a roof coating cost a lot less than replacing your entire roof! In addition, having a white roof coating can reduce the risk that your roof will need to be repaired on a regular basis.
White roof coatings are easy to install.
Many people tend to associate any kind of roof work with a long, involved construction process. Fortunately, the process of installing a white roof coating is relatively simple and straightforward. It also doesn’t take very long to complete. A seasoned roofing contractor can take care of the installation process for you, providing you with peace of mind that your coating has been placed properly. Roof coatings do not require any upkeep, so you will not have to worry about your coating once it’s in place.
If you need help finding the best roof coating for your building, then it’s time to call Tucson Rubberized Coatings. We are proud to provide our customers with the exceptional products they deserve, from white roof coatings to synthetic stucco to parking lot sealers. We have three locations in the Tucson area, so you’ll easily be able to get the coating products you need for your home or business. Our company is dedicated to making sure that all of our customers are always fully satisfied with the products we provide and the services we offer. Do you have any questions about our coating products? Give us a call today at (520) 829-1802! We will be glad to answer your questions.