Built Up Roofing Cost Estimator and Cost Comparison Tool

Built Up Roofing Cost Estimator and Cost Comparison Tool

Estimation Inputs

Roof Size

Our Product Inputs

Competitor Product Prices

Competitor Product Application Rates

Pricing Results

Our Products

AP-100 30#/SQ 3-Ply Total Price:

AP-100 25#/SQ 3-Ply Total Price:

AP-100 30#/SQ 4-Ply Total Price:

AP-100 25#/SQ 4-Ply Total Price:

FBS-75 Total Price:

PLY-4 Total Price:

Competitor Products

Competitor AP-100 30#/SQ 3-Ply Total Price:

Competitor AP-100 25#/SQ 3-Ply Total Price:

Competitor AP-100 30#/SQ 4-Ply Total Price:

Competitor AP-100 25#/SQ 4-Ply Total Price:

Competitor FBS-75 Total Price:

Competitor PLY-4 Total Price:

Comparison Pricing Results

Quantity Comparison Results

Our Products

AP-100 30#/SQ Product Quantity 3-Ply:

AP-100 25#/SQ Product Quantity 3-Ply:

FBS-75 Product Quantity 3-Ply:

PLY-4 Product Quantity 3-Ply:

AP-100 30#/SQ Product Quantity 4-Ply:

AP-100 25#/SQ Product Quantity 4-Ply:

FBS-75 Product Quantity 4-Ply:

PLY-4 Product Quantity 4-Ply:

Competitor Products

Competitor AP-100 30#/SQ Product Quantity 3-Ply:

Competitor AP-100 25#/SQ Product Quantity 3-Ply:

Competitor FBS-75 Product Quantity 3-Ply:

Competitor PLY-4 Product Quantity 3-Ply:

Competitor AP-100 30#/SQ Product Quantity 4-Ply:

Competitor AP-100 25#/SQ Product Quantity 4-Ply:

Competitor FBS-75 Product Quantity 4-Ply:

Competitor PLY-4 Product Quantity 4-Ply:

Cost Comparison Results

Price Differences Per Square Foot

Price Difference Per SQ Ft AP-100 30#/SQ 3-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft AP-100 30#/SQ 4-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft AP-100 25#/SQ 3-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft AP-100 25#/SQ 4-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft FBS-75 3-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft FBS-75 4-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft PLY-4 3-Ply:

Price Difference Per SQ Ft PLY-4 4-Ply:

Total Price Differences

Total Price Difference AP-100 30#/SQ 3-Ply:

Total Price Difference AP-100 30#/SQ 4-Ply:

Total Price Difference AP-100 25#/SQ 3-Ply:

Total Price Difference AP-100 25#/SQ 4-Ply:

Total Price Difference FBS-75 3-Ply:

Total Price Difference FBS-75 4-Ply:

Total Price Difference PLY-4 3-Ply:

Total Price Difference PLY-4 4-Ply: