Employee Engagement Survey Step 1 of 3 33% 1. How do you feel when you come to work? Great! I enjoy coming to work Working here is fine Somewhat rather not be here I do not want to be here 2. Would you recommend working here to your friends? Definitely Recommend Working Here Usually Recommend Working Here Sometimes Recommend Working Here Rarely Recommend Working Here I Would Never Recommend Working Here OK, now we're going to show you a series of statements. Let us know how much you agree with each.3. "There's honest communication in this company, from top to bottom." Completely agree Most of the time A lot of stuff could be clearer Communication's a mess 4. "I'm paid well for the work that I do." Completely agree Agree to a point I should be paid more I'm really underpaid 5. "I have everything I need to do my job well." Completely Pretty much I'm missing a few key things I get by with the bare minimum 6. "I'm happy with the benefits which my company provides." Definitely Happy with the Benefits my company provides Pretty Happy with the Benefits my company provides Somewhat Happy with the Benefits my company provides Not really Happy with the Benefits my company provides Absolutely not Happy with the Benefits my company provides 7. Thanks for your honesty. If you have some comments on any of these topics, we'd love to hear them.8. Has anyone complimented your work in the last two weeks? Yes No 9. And last but not least, what changes would you like to see in the workplace? No meeting days, free breakfast, casual day—what would you change if you could? Thank YouEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.