
Cool Roof Coatings Often Are White in Color, But They Can Be Tan Too

One of the primary benefits of a cool roof coating is to provide a heat-reflective effect on the roof surface. This is why most cool roof coatings often are white roof coatings so that they can reflect sunlight and lower temperatures.

Cool roof coatings are comprised of UV blocking pigments, reflective minerals, and binders. The white pigments help to deflect the sun’s heat while the reflective minerals bounce the sunlight back into the atmosphere.

Asphalt roofs are the most common type of roof in the United States, and they come in a variety of colors. Dark-colored roofs absorb more heat than light-colored roofs, so by using a cool roof coating on your asphalt roof, you can keep your home cooler during the summer months.

However, cool roof coatings don’t have to be limited to a bright white color. If a bright white rooftop is not the best choice for your roof membrane building or community, a tan cool roof coating can be an excellent alternative

Benefits of a Tan Cool Roof Coating

A tan cool roof coating can provide many of the same benefits as white acrylic coatings, such as reducing energy costs and cooling the building or community. In addition, a tan cool roof coating can also:

  • Energy savings – Tan cool roof coatings can reflect up to 80% of the sun’s rays, reducing the amount of energy needed to cool a building or community.
  • Appearance – A tan cool roof coating can improve the appearance of your building or community. It can also help increase property values and achieve LEED credits.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions – By reducing the amount of energy needed to cool a building or community, tan cool roof coatings can also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Air conditioning costs are a major expense in any building or community. By adding a tan cool roof coating to your rooftop, you can expect significant savings on cooling costs throughout the year. In addition, energy efficiency rebates may be available for installing a tan cool roof coating on your rooftop.

Types of Tan Cool Roof Coatings

The type of cool roof coating you choose for your rooftop will depend upon the slope, condition, and material of the surface. Here are some examples:

  1. Silicone Coating – Metal roofing is one of the most sustainable and energy-efficient options for your home. It’s low maintenance, long-lasting, and it can be made from recycled steel or aluminum. If you want to choose a green roof but don’t want an asphalt shingle to look, a metal roof is a great alternative.
  2. Elastomeric Coating – Clay tile roofs are extremely durable, fire-resistant, and low maintenance. It’s one of the most sustainable roofing options because clay tiles can last up to 100 years! They are also recyclable when you’re ready for a new roof or want to add some extra protection on top of your current surface.
  3. Paint Coatings – Another great option for sustainable roofing is concrete tile, which has many benefits like being fire-resistant and low-maintenance (just like clay tiles). Concrete tiles are also cheaper than most other materials on the market, so it’s a good choice if you’re looking to save money over time.
  • Silicone coatings – A silicone-based tan cool roof coating can be used on asphalt shingles, metal roofs, and concrete surfaces.
  • Acrylic Coatings – An acrylic-based tan cool roof coating can be used on asphalt shingles, metal roofs, and concrete surfaces.
  • Reflective roof coatings – A reflective tan cool roof coating can be used on asphalt shingles, metal roofs, and concrete surfaces.
  • Rubber coatings – Most commonly used as a vapor-retardant barrier over spray polyurethane foam insulation

If you are looking for a cool roof coating in sand that is proven to provide reflectivity,our acrylic roof coatings are all great options to consider. These coatings are multi-purpose, high-performance, elastomeric, and silicone-free.

They are also heat resistant and can be used on a variety of substrates, including metal roofs, asphalt shingles, EPDM rubber roofing, concrete, and wood.

If you’re looking for an energy-efficient acrylic coating that will keep your building or community cooler this summer, a cool roof coating in tan can be a great solution to consider!

Contact us today to learn more about our cool roof coatings and how they can help lower energy costs in your building or community.